1 more week....!
The countdown is on...1 week left of this school year! I know many schools across the country have already sprung their students for summer vacation, but here in Montana we are still chugging away.
To wrap up our unit on feelings, we utilized the book Visiting Feelings by Lauren Rubenstein. This is a great book to help kiddos visualize their feelings and learn how to be curious about these feelings rather than overwhelmed by them. After reading the book with the Cookie Monster kiddos, we played a game of iSpy feelings.
For this, we simply wrote various feelings on cards and taped them around the room. Utilizing the "Describing Your Feelings" worksheet, we "spied" feelings that were different shapes, textures, weather patterns, and sounds. I started the game to give them an idea stating "I Spy with my little eye...a feeling that is soft." Based on this information, the kiddos had to look at all the feelings and try to guess which feeling might feel soft. If no one could guess the feeling after the first round, a second clue was given, "this feeling is quiet." Most of our groups were able to engage in this game proactively with little direction, but it was a little tricky for our younger groups.
The "Describing Your Feelings" worksheet was a great tool to help children think about feelings in different aspects and was a great transition after reading "Visiting Feelings." For more feelings ideas, check out my Pinterest board!
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